Teach, Coach and Mentor Candidates for APR and the Certificate in Principles of Public Relations

Public relations is not practiced in a bubble. Our profession does not evolve and thrive in an isolated environment. Success takes peers, colleagues and support from all levels. The great thing about help is that is benefits both parties.

Teach, coach and/or mentor an APR candidate to their benefit and yours.

  • Serving as APR Chair ? Access tools for you, your team and your candidates.
  • Providing guidance and feedback to an APR candidate? Access mentoring information.
  • Serving as a panelist for a candidate's Panel Presentation?  Access resources to help you administer the process.
  • Are you a professor or other college educator interested in administering the Certificate in Principles of Public Relations to your students? Access information on administering the process in your school.
  • Interested in submitting a question for possible inclusion on the Examination? 



Have your own APR story to tell?  Email accred@prsa.org